75 and Up: How to Get the Vaccination

Those age 75 and above are currently eligible to arrange an appointment to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.
Before getting into how it is done, the Weston Senior Center has arranged a special talk and Q&A about the vaccine with Dr. Joseph Feuerstein, Director of Integrative Medicine at Stamford Hospital. It’s on Zoom at 7:15 pm on Tuesday, February 2. Contact Senior Center director Wendy Petty by email to register: wpetty@westonct.gov.
For an appointment, there are three ways to do it: online with the Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS), by telephone, or online (or phone) with a healthcare system.
There is actually a fourth way: with a phone call to Wendy Petty, director of the Weston Senior Activities Center, at (203) 222-2608.
At the moment, the VAMS system interface is not particularly intuitive. It is especially challenging for those with limited internet experience. Ms. Petty is willing to help navigate through it.
The State portal
A good starting point for information and registration is the State of Connecticut's portal specifically designated for those 75 and up.
By telephone
To make an appointment by telephone, you can simply dial 211. The line is operated by the United Way of Connecticut in partnership with the Department of Public Health.
It works. But, at the moment, volume is heavy, and wait times can be long. The United Way is adding 75 more staffers, with more likely to come. Still, for now, they ask for your patience.
Healthcare systems
The following healthcare providers take various approaches to registration. Some have an independent online system, some use VAMS, some offer telephone assistance.
Stamford Hospital
Stamford has an independent online system. Comments we have received about it are favorable.
Yale New Haven Hospital
Yale’s online system also gets good reviews. You can also make an appointment with a call to their hotline: (833) 275-9644.
Hartford Healthcare
Click here to access the Hartford Healthcare system. You can also call (860) 827-7690 or toll-free at (833) 943-5721.
Griffin Health
Good reviews for Griffin as well, accessible here. The system uses VAMS, but you can also call.
Walgreens offers vaccinations in a limited number of locations. The number is expected to expand soon.
It may take a while
This early in the effort, appointments for vaccination clinics fill up quickly. A slot may not be available for some weeks. As new sites appear and vaccine supplies increase, this will improve. For now, patience is definitely required.