Helen de Keijzer Honored

Helen de Keijzer, Zoom screenshot, December 17, 2020
Helen de Keijzer Day was declared in a proclamation by First Selectman Chris Spaulding on December 17 honoring Ms. de Keijzer's decades of service to the community and active advocacy for the Weston Senior Center.The First Selectman read the proclamation during Thursday’s Board of Selectmen meeting. The occasion marked the end of Ms. de Keijzer’s more than 20 years of service on Weston’s Commission on Aging, which she chaired for eight years.
The proclamation noted her “dedication and volunteerism to the town of Weston.” Among other contributions, Ms. de Keijzer launched the town’s Commission for Children and Youth (as pointed out in the meeting by Margaret Wirtenberg) and chairs the steering committee of the Weston League of Women Voters.
To the Commission on Aging, Ms. de Keijzer brought “energy, vitality and inspiration,” was a “strong advocate” for improving and expanding the Senior Center, increasing its staffing, hours, services and visibility, and was “instrumental in the formation of the Friends of the Senior Center.”
At the League
This is a good time to mention that the Weston League of Women Voters has a new website and web address: lwvwestonct.org.
The site’s Our Town section features easy access to flipbook versions of useful materials, including the Town Charter and current Plan of Conservation and Development.
Other sections contain the League’s regularly-updated Know Your Town directory, information about voting, and all the latest about League events.

Image: Helen de Keijzer speaking at a 2019 League of Women Voters event. Credit: Al Wirtenberg and Margaret Wirtenberg, video still frame.