Flu Shot Clinic a Success

Last week's Weston flu shot clinic hosted by Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County earned a deserved shout-out from Weston Senior Activities Center Director Wendy Petty.

The weather was perfect. About 55 people took advantage of it and the opportunity to get ahead of the influenza curve.

Ms. Petty thanked Margarita Garces-Shapiro for organizing the clinic and Laura Word, Kay Phelan, and Jeannie Bain from Visiting Nurse & Hospice of Fairfield County for administering the vaccinations.

Also in for a thank-you were Michael Vincelli, Director of Emergency Preparedness for the Westport Weston Health District, Frank Ferrara of Weston Kiwanis and other club volunteers, and Carla Jegen of the Weston Senior Activities Center.

Another clinic

Visiting Nurse have another drive-through clinic from 2:00 to 4:30 on Wednesday, November 11 at their offices at 22 Danbury Road in Wilton. For more information, call (203) 762-8958.