How to Vote on November 3

If you plan to vote in person on November 3, everything works about the same as it always does, except for adjustments for the pandemic.

The polls will be open on the 3rd from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm at Weston Middle School.

You have to use the back entrance to the school. The front entrance cannot be used.

The Registrars of Voters expect a high turnout. Long lines are unusual in Weston, but because everyone on line this year must be six feet away from anyone else, be prepared for possibly longer lines, outside. So, dress accordingly.

Wear a mask

An executive order by Governor Ned Lamont requires face masks at the polls.

Anyone who cannot wear a mask is urged to vote by absentee ballot. At this writing, there is still time to apply for one. See below.

Note: absentee ballots cannot be accepted at the polls.

If you are unable to vote absentee and unable to wear a mask, the election moderator will offer alternative ways to cast your ballot outside the polling place. In that case, contact the polling staff at the back entrance to the Middle School.

Getting an absentee ballot

If you have not already applied for one and feel it is too late to receive an absentee ballot by mail, here is what you can do:

You can track your absentee ballot online at

To be counted, absentee ballots must be dropped off at the ballot box in front of Town Hall or received in the mail by the Town Clerk by 8:00 pm on November 3rd.

Sample ballot

This is a facsimile of this year's ballot. What's different about this one is we have included both State Senate districts. You will only see one of them. On a desktop computer or tablet, you can click this to see a larger version.