Snap One for New EMS Quarters

New headquarters for Weston Volunteer EMS are almost complete, but there is a problem: the walls are bare. We can’t have that.

The new facility—made possible by the addition of a floor to Firehouse No. 1 at the Norfield complex—provides emergency responders a place to meet, train, and bunk.

The Weston EMS Photo Challenge gives talented professional and amateur photographers an opportunity to have images on display that depict “Living in Weston.”

Photos need to be fairly high resolution, as they will be printed at 300 dpi 24 inches by 36 inches or larger. Some high-end phone cameras may be up to the task, but EMS recommends images shot with a 35mm camera.

Photo credit will be given to work selected for display.

Submit photos by November 1, via email to

Happy snapping.