Hearing Set For In-House Apartment Sizes

On Saturday morning, December 5, the Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a hearing on increasing the allowable size of in-house apartments.
The public is encouraged to attend, find out more, and share their thoughts. Participation information and links will appear in our Events section and on the Town's website as soon as arrangements are made.
Through the years, since the late 1960s, Westonites who are homeowners have been permitted to have in-house apartments in their residences.
What began as a maximum allowable 400 square feet or 25 percent of the floor area of a home has grown steadily as new homes built here have expanded.
Currently that limit has doubled to 800 square feet. But the 25 percent limit has stayed the same. Plans for septic and water supply for homes with proposed apartments must be approved by the Weston-Westport Health District before application is made for an apartment permit.
Other action
P&Z scheduled the hearing in its October 5 meeting. Also on the agenda were approvals for two lot development plans in subdivisions built some time ago. Another application, regarding a flood zone permit, was put off until the next meeting.
The Commission also returned to the topic of further development of the zoning regulations related to implementing the new Town Plan.
The focus was on how the Commission will create mechanisms, including new zoning regulations, which might further explain how the central part of Weston could accommodate a Village District concept of mixed use. Factors to be considered could possibly include walkability, parking design, and housing variety.