New Weston Cases a Concern, Include Children

In a video interview recorded on August 25, 2020, Weston First Selectman Chris Spaulding expresses concern about Covid outbreaks in the region and in town.

Key points in the 10-minute interview:

Nine new cases represent a 10% growth in Weston's exposure.

The cases run the gamut in age groups, including the upper end and school age children.

The idea that children cannot catch the disease is "clearly inaccurate." The can catch it. At younger ages, they carry a higher viral load. The fact that they can spread it "is not conjecture." Even if they have no symptoms, they can suffer long-lasting damage.

Children "will likely continue to catch it if we don't contain the spread" unless we remain disciplined about social distance, outdoor activities, and masks.

Large youth parties are "a bad idea," particularly with schools about to reopen.

"We will do what we need to do" to contain the disease."Start-stop" measures will only mean "this will go on for a long, long time."

If you travel to a hotspot state, you must quarantine upon your return. Travel to areas with an outbreak carry "a reasonable likelihood you will come into contact there."

It's not over. "We have to do the right thing."