A Drive-by Picnic Lunch for Seniors, from Generous Donors
For the past several weeks, with more to come, Weston seniors have been treated to a free drive-by picnic lunch at the Senior Center and a chance to see friends and catch up. All at an appropriate social distance, of course.
Thanks to the generosity of the Weston Adult Soccer League, Weston Volunteer Fire Department and others, about 100 seniors have enjoyed lunch on Wednesdays and been entertained by talented musicians arranged by WestonArts.
We are told that the soccer league made the Friends of the Weston Senior Activities Center the recipient of their annual fundraiser this year. Nice.
Senior Center director Wendy Petty also gives a big shout-out to Peter's Market, Calise's Deli, the Senior Center staff, the Boy Scouts, Social Services director Allison Lisbon, Weston Police Sgt. Joe Miceli and his kids, student volunteers, the musicians, and of course the seniors.
Over several weeks, Rozanne Gates shot and edited video of the sights and sounds. Enjoy.