Progress on Public Safety, Library, and Sidewalks Projects
In a video interview, First Selectman Chris Spaulding brings the town up to date on where things stand on reopening Town Hall, the Library, and the Senior Center.
Other updates include progress on the public safety construction underway at the main Town campus, the status of the Offutt Center library expansion, and sidewalks.
On the current health crisis, the First Selectman gives credit to Weston residents for success so far in containing the disease, urges continued vigilance, and recommends a site where those who need COVID-19 testing can have it done.
A snapshot of the 17-minute interview with the First Selectman:
- The testing site mentioned is St. Vincent's Behavioral Health Services, 47 Long Lots Road, Westport. Drive-through testing is done on the property. Make an appointment by calling (860) 972-8100.
- The target date for reopening Town Hall is July 17. A team of Town staffers has been working to prepare to operate safely. Some materials, such as plexiglass, are in short supply.
- At this point, no date is set for reopening the Weston Public Library. Reopening will be coordinated with neighboring towns to prevent an unmanageable influx of visitors.
- Reopening the Weston Senior Activities Center will not occur until some time later, considering the at-risk population, and will also be timed to coincide with openings by other towns.
- Construction at Town Hall, the police station, and Firehouse No. 1 is going well. Completion is only a few weeks away. At the firehouse, construction of a second floor will provide bunk space for emergency responders.
- The project to add a wing to the Library for the Daniel Offutt Center is "on track," guided by a committee with the services of a consultant. Design is underway to a "granular" level of detail. The project may be able to go out to bid in about two months. It will eventually require approval by some number of boards and commissions, and a town vote.
- The first phase of sidewalk construction is also in final design and will soon go out to bid. The First Selectman expects groundbreaking in the fall. State funds for this phase are in hand. With a second grant pending and a third awaiting federal action, the Town stands to receive as much as $4.5 million for construction of sidewalks in and around Town Center.
- "Stay vigilant" about masks, distancing, and prevention, says Dr. Spaulding.