Weston Statement on Minneapolis

What happened in Minneapolis should never have happened and certainly must never happen again.
Our police must serve as trusted partners whose core function is to serve and protect all citizens without exception. That trust and partnership is one of the primary forces holding our society together.
The partnership between citizen and officer has always been a hallmark of Weston and we will ensure that this sacred trust will never be breached and the faith you put in leadership and the police is well rewarded.
Weston police officers take the term public servant literally. They strive to serve the public in a judicious and compassionate manner. Treating people fairly is not just a trend, it is deeply embedded into their way of life.
Over the past three years, the Weston Police Department has implemented a program to allow citizens to file complaints anonymously, instituted policies to help hire and retain minority officers, and have fair treatment policies that consistently evaluate and adapt to meet the needs of all people regardless of race or gender.
We understand policies are not enough, they are foundational steps. Please know, we strive to live these philosophies every day. Weston Police have an open-door policy and welcome progressive discussions with the people we serve.
Weston stands steadfastly committed to providing a safe and just environment for all of its citizens. Weston has always been a place of inclusion, compassion and understanding for all Westonites. We have zero tolerance for any form of discriminatory conduct or preferential treatment of any citizen. We are, as always, Westonites above all else.
Chris Spaulding
First Selectman
Captain Matt Brodacki
Interim Police Chief, Weston Police Department
Beth Gralnick
Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners