Curbside Pickup Coming to the Weston Library

Curbside pickup of books at Weston Public Library will be available as soon as June 15, as part of a joint effort by Fairfield County libraries.

Digital resources have been available around the clock during the current shutdown, but the availability of printed materials will be welcome news for many in town.

"Patrons have made excellent use of the Library’s digital collections over the past two and a half months," said Library Director Karen Tatarka, "but we understand the growing demand for physical materials, especially as we approach summer."

Ms. Tatarka said, "We have been working on creative ways to fill this need while ensuring as many protections as possible are in place for both patrons and staff."

Library staff, in collaboration with local government and health officials, are busy planning for a gradual expansion of services. The Weston Public Library’s plan for contactless curbside service was developed in conjunction with Weston’s Office of Emergency Management and the Westport Weston Health District.

Details on the procedure for requesting books will be available on the Library’s website later this week:

Meanwhile, by visiting the website, you can still take advantage of the Weston Library's many digital resources, including e-books, audiobooks, streaming music and movies, story times with favorite librarians, author talks, and more.

Libraries in Westport, Ridgefield, Darien, and New Canaan are also part of the curbside program.