School Fields Reopen

Athletic fields at Weston Public Schools have reopened. If all goes well, Bisceglie-Scribner Park and Morehouse Farm Park will open on Wednesday, May 20.
Several conditions apply. In his video report on May 10, First Selectman Chris Spaulding urged parents to make sure everyone in the family understands the terms of use so facilities can remain open.
Competitive sports are not allowed. Balls and other objects cannot be passed, and group size is limited to five. Everyone must wear a face mask while standing and speaking with others. They must also wear gloves while sitting in the stands.
As we understand it, the purpose of wearing gloves is to eliminate or reduce the need to disinfect the stands.
Today, OEM Director Sgt. Joe Miceli told the Board of Selectmen, who approved the schedule, that signs stating the rules will be posted soon, and that garbage cans will be installed so masks, gloves, and other refuse can be disposed of.
The normal Weston Public School District rules for the facilities still apply.
There is no word yet on when playgrounds and courts will again be available.
At the moment, surrounding towns appear to be reopening facilities on about the same schedule as Weston. That may reduce the risk that facilities could be overrun by so many visitors that reclosing becomes necessary.
Town officials are exploring whether they can, and should, restrict usage to Weston residents only. In a related measure, the Board of Police Commissioners raised the fine for parking violations to $50.