Guidance for Trout Brook

Aspetuck Land Trust urges visitors to Trout Brook to leave dogs at home, practice social distancing, and consider visiting other preserves managed by the Trust.

While leashed dogs are normally allowed at Trout Brook, for the time being, ALT asks that you leave them home.

Trout Brook is receiving a volume of visitors much larger than usual. The concern is that dogs create opportunities for close human contact and that having too many of them on the site stresses flora and fauna.

The Trust also emphasizes that, even outdoors, you need to stay at least six feet away from other people, and not be in a group of more than ten.

Aspetuck Land Trust has many open space areas, and encourages you to spread out and visit other locations. A helpful guide to properties other than Trout Brook can be found on the Trust's website.

The full version of guidance for Trout Brook Valley can be found here.