Shaban Announces State Representative Candidacy

Former State Representative John Shaban announced his candidacy to return to the legislature, to once again represent the 135th General Assembly district, which serves Weston, Easton, and Redding.

Mr. Shaban, a Republican, held the seat for three terms, from 2011 to 2017. He did not seek re-election in 2016, choosing instead to run for the U.S. House of Representatives against Congressman Jim Himes.

“I will continue to focus on sensible solutions rather than symbolic gestures,” said Mr. Shaban in a statement. “While many in Hartford are great at spotting problems, too few pursue the fiscal policies needed to solve them. Talk is cheap, but great schools, good roads, and a clean environment are not.”

Mr. Shaban is a 26-year practicing attorney, specializing in commercial and corporate litigation, and has an Environmental Law degree. A Redding resident, he has three sons, has been coaching youth football in Easton, Redding and Weston for over 15 years, and has served on numerous local boards and commissions.

In his announcement, Mr. Shaban said he intends to advocate for greater local control of education and land use and oppose forced regionalization of schools and services. “Our communities thrive when we lead and govern at the local level first," he said. "Our state’s poor fiscal policies have eroded our home values, job market and tax base. We can still dig ourselves out, but we need prudent leadership to change our course.”

In his prior service in the State House of Representatives, Mr. Shaban said he championed legislation to establish greater local control over cell tower placement, create the Small Business Express program, secure mandate relief for high-performing schools, provide tax relief for families of fallen first responders, help unemployed veterans, and expand early childhood education and reading initiatives.