Samantha Nestor, Board of Selectmen

I’m running for Selectwoman because the BOS needs different perspectives, especially from working moms. I’ve grown to love Weston and met countless residents -- in my daily life, at school, going door to door – who are passionate about Weston but feel their other obligations prevent their participation. I’m striving to change that culture by setting an example.

My previous volunteer service in Weston offers unique and useful insights to the BoS. As past chair of the Marketing & Communications Advisory Committee, I bring an essential background in promoting the town assets; and as an elected member of the Board of Education, I’ve the understanding of how to support and oversee our town's biggest draw and investment, the schools.

We are at a crossroads, a “Weston 2.0.” The Town Green, Library Expansion, new sidewalks, Police/Fire/EMS expansion, road improvement planning/budgeting, changes in demographics and enrollment, and the 2020 Town Plan of Conservation and Development offer decisions and exciting opportunities for Weston.

These initiatives require keen financial analytic skills and exceptionally strong communications skills. We must collaborate with committees, boards, volunteers, businesses, vendors, donors, and Hartford to develop S.M.A.R.T. — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound — goals, so milestones can be reached, progress can be measured, and made. We need to communicate with and engage residents. This is my area of expertise.

Residents provided clear directives in the 2018 Town Planning Survey. In this millennium people come for the schools, stay for the community, and for a majority of residents, the path to a thriving and financially healthy community is through change.

As Selectwoman, I will continue responding to residents’ needs with collaborative, timely, cost conscious, and inventive financial decisions. I will keep leveraging my professional background and experience in strategic communications, design, real-estate, arts, media, and non-profits, towards lowering tax burdens and increasing home values – with an eye to attract new home buyers and give residents reasons to stay. Moving Weston forward while preserving its character is not a tall order, it’s the bare minimum people should expect.