Daniel Gilbert, Zoning Board of Appeals

I came to realize that our town is a very special place well after our family moved to Weston. We moved to town so that our two children could enjoy the benefits of Weston’s superb school system.

RCA was being merged into General Electric. I moved from RCA staff to GE staff in Fairfield where I worked as an Organizational Psychologist. Over time Sharon and I came to realize that volunteerism was alive and well in Weston. We jumped in. Sharon became the archivist at the Weston Historical Society. I joined Kiwanis and began doing community service work, was elected to the Planning and Zoning Commission, served as a Eucharistic Minister at Saint Francis and volunteered at the Westport Weston Health District on its Medical Reserve Corps.

I currently have the privilege of serving on Weston’s Zoning Board of Appeals. I’d enjoy continuing to serve. As a board member I respect the opinions of the other members and treat members of the public who appear before the board with respect.

Why are you running?

I’ve always felt that we’re best served by people who want to serve the public. Where the person running for office runs to assure the public receives effective and ethical government. That’s what I expect as a person and that’s what I’m committed to if I’m reelected.

What is on the table?

The legal framework for our decisions is settled law. That having been said, each application is unique. Every applicant is given ample opportunity to make his/her case. Each applicant is treated with courtesy and respect. I always take the time to discuss the legal framework that forms the basis of my analysis with with every applicant.

What do you bring to the table?

Prior to being elected to the ZBA I served on the Planning and Zoning Commission and on the Board of Selectmen. I’ve lived in Weston for over 30 years and done a good deal of volunteer work in our community. I love our town and have worked collegiality with every board/commission member I’ve served with.