William Brady, Police Commission

Three years ago as PC Chairman, during an eight month timeframe, the Interim Chief of Police, Matt Brodacki, and I set up a 1 to 10 year plan to improve and revitalize our Police Department. The plan serves as a framework for the agency to maintain its progressive stance in our community. The Weston Police Department with the assistance of our Police Commission and Command Staff are currently in the fourth year of that plan. Some of our accomplishments are as follows:

We hired a new Chief of Police, Ed Henion, previously Colonel of Ct State Police, and promoted Sergeant Brodacki to Captain, completing our Command Staff. We installed a second School Resource Officer (SRO) along with the MOS (Mile of Safety) helping increase campus security. Significantly cut our overtime (OT) budget, applied for more grants (DOT, FED $$, DUI, Emergency Management) and streamlined the responsibilities of our Sergeants. Improved visibility with our first and last hour roving Patrol Plan.

We opened the PD lobby 24/7 (24hrs/day 7 days a week). Installed a "Drug Take Back" secured DEA approved box in the PD lobby for citizens use. Reviewed and updated Police Department Policies and Procedures (CLESP) Compliance to law Enforcement Standards and Practices). Organized an Accident Investigation Tri-Town initiative; Weston/Redding/Easton which improves resources for fatal accidents. Insured private job OT (over time) reimbursements properly adjust our budget, along with CIRMA (insurance) reimbursements.

We have a Forensics Lab (shared with several other towns) on our campus. Intersection Identification (3 per year) to improve and make safer. We have a series of directives that relate to the officers themselves from advanced training and technological advancements to wellness programs. There are many more achievements and future initiatives, too long a list for this note, for this very active Commission.

Our Police Commission Board interfaces with the various Boards/Commissions/Committees as required including BOS, BOF, BOE, P&Z, Fire Dept., EMS, State DOT, DPW, Building , Town Administrator, Town Engineer. These meetings are very time consuming throughout the year. We are also the Traffic Enforcement and Safety Commission for the Town of Weston.

Everything I've discussed took an inordinate amount of time and energy to bring to fruition. I, being retired, have devoted that time to improve the operation of our Police Force with the assistance of our Command Staff and our Police Commission. I ask for your vote to continue the work and complete the plan.