Final Town Plan Workshop, Thursday Evening

Photo: M.S. Wirtenberg

On Thursday evening, the fourth and final community workshop takes place with consultants helping the Planning and Zoning Commission develop a ten-year Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) for Weston.

The session starts at 7:30 pm in the Weston Middle School library.

Public input has been coming in for nearly a year, beginning with the townwide survey conducted last November. Since then, two interactive workshops have been held specifically focusing on Town Center. In September, a third workshop concentrated on open space, pedestrian connectivity, sustainability, and housing. Opportunities were also given for those interested to share their points of view online.

On Thursday evening, consultants from Milone and MacBroom will review the insight obtained from the September session. They will also discuss with participants the objectives of the town plan to a higher level of detail than the major goals described in previous workshops.

Going Forward

By the end of this month, Milone and MacBroom will submit to P&Z a draft of the comprehensive POCD. Commission members will work on it in November. It will be made public on December 2.

The plan's final destination will be the Board of Selectmen, who will hold a public hearing.

Connecticut municipalities are required by State law to submit a POCD every decade. Its essential purpose is to guide zoning decisions for the following ten years.

Additional reporting by Margaret Wirtenberg.