Weston Explored Valley Forge

Dave Ungar and Joe Parciasepe of Weston Parks and Recreation must have some serious weather-gods mojo, because for the second year running, heat and humidity yielded to perfect conditions this morning for "Explore Valley Forge."

Stranger still: when they left at the end of the event, clouds rolled in, winds kicked up, and strange sounds emanated from the woods. Eerie.

Dave Ungar and Joe Parciasepe. No one actually saw them leave. There was only a puff of smoke.

Everyone had a great time. The road was closed to anything with wheels not powered by legs. Plenty of walkers, runners, bicyclists, kids in strollers, and dogs. Free coffee and water too. And pastries. This reporter, determined to resist temptation of the latter, could not, and assigns blame to Calise's Catering.

The reward for those who parked at Morehouse, took an easy walk down the driveway, and later took a not-so-easy walk back up — we will lobby next year for a tow rope — enjoyed a lovely morning, scenery, and the company of family and neighbors.

In addition to a tip of the hat to Parks and Rec, we shout-out Weston Volunteer Fire Department and EMS for keeping everyone safe and relatively unscathed.

Scroll below for a few more photos.