Town Plan Workshop, September 9

In a community workshop on September 9, you once again have an opportunity to share your point of view about the future, but this time for all of Weston, not just Town Center.

Consultants Milone & MacBroom will conduct the workshop that Monday evening at 7:30 in the Weston Middle School Library.

The Town Center workshops were well-attended and highly interactive. We expect the same this time around. Most of the talking is done by the public, in both general discussions and breakouts that focus on specific topics.

The breakout sessions in this meeting will concentrate on what you want in the way of open space, pedestrian connectivity, sustainability, and housing.

Planning and Zoning Commission chairman Ken Edgar has been pleased with the participation and creativity in the workshops that have been held so far. This is part of a year-long process done every decade to develop a Plan of Conservation and Development for Weston. In principle, the plan guides all zoning decisions for that period of time.

A follow-up workshop will be held in October.