Weston Police Arrest Intruder

Weston Police arrested a Ridgefield man at gunpoint after he allegedly intruded at a Wood Hill Road residence and initially refused to leave.

On July 25, police responded to a report of a burglary in progress after a resident, working in a home office and alerted by a barking dog, found a man standing in his living room. There had been no knock on a door and no doorbell ring. According to the police report, the man was "unable to clearly explain" why he was in the house, and did not leave when repeatedly told to do so.

The resident called the police. En route to the scene separately, officers Daniel Cascone and Jason Heibeck were informed the suspect had driven away in a Jeep Wrangler. Officer Heibeck continued to the residence, Officer Cascone looked for the Jeep. He finally saw it on Georgetown Road.

At the residence, Officer Heibeck took a statement from the homeowner, who said nothing was missing. The officer canvassed nearby homes to see if a similar incident had occurred. None were reported.

Northbound on Georgetown Road, Officer Cascone radioed all units and requested assistance from the Redding police. Captain Matt Brodacki and officers Joe Mogollon and Robert Klein pulled in behind Officer Cascone, who activated his lights and siren. The Jeep came to a stop at the Weston-Redding town line just as Redding and Wilton police arrived on the scene.

On his cruiser’s loudspeaker, Officer Cascone ordered the Jeep’s driver out of the vehicle. He complied, was handcuffed, and was placed into the back of Officer Cascone’s cruiser.

The man was identified as Paul Brian MacDonald. Weston dispatch reported no outstanding warrants, but an “extensive criminal history.” According to the police report, a note with the Wood Hill Road address was found on the front seat of the Jeep, and Mr. MacDonald claimed to have been at the house “because it was a business.” He admitted he had no appointment and had neither knocked nor rang the doorbell. The resident told Officer Heibeck he does not advertise his business and had no appointments scheduled.

Mr. MacDonald was issued a misdemeanor summons for Criminal Trespass 1st Degree and Disorderly Conduct. He was released on a written promise to appear at Norwalk Superior Courthouse.