Weston Gun Club Foundation Donates to Weston Police

In the picture, left to right: Sgt. Joe Miceli, foundation board members David Lindsay, Wes Fredericks, and Mike Moore, Weston Gun Club president Steve Davis, Police Commission chairman William Brady, Police Chief Ed Henion.
The Weston Gun Club Community Foundation has donated to the town a large storage unit that, according to Weston Police Department Chief Ed Henion, will protect vital rescue and communications equipment and make sure police can respond to emergency situations with maximum speed and effectiveness.
At police headquarters on June 25, Chief Henion expressed his appreciation and presented a plaque to Weston Gun Club president Steve Davis and foundation board members David Lindsay, Wes Fredericks, and Mike Moore.
The unit will make emergency equipment and lighting gear quickly accessible to police and allow all-terrain rescue vehicles to be stored out of the elements and constantly charged.
For the past 22 years, the Weston Gun Club Community Foundation has raised funds and made grants totalling more than $250,000 to Weston’s benefit. Donations averaging over $5,000 each have been made to Town Hall, the Senior Center, Devil’s Den, Parks and Recreation, Weston Historical Society, and the Weston Police and Volunteer Fire departments.
The most frequent beneficiary is the Weston public schools, where 14 grants have helped fund the high school girls golf team, junior varsity lacrosse, a diversity program, a drug and alcohol awareness program, tablets to assist teachers, and provided a smartboard, cameras, and equipment for photography classes.
The foundation raises funds at a Modern Biathlon, a day of golf, clay target shooting, dinner, and auctions.