Town to Consider Acquiring Weston Field Club

June 5, 2019 — Thursday evening, June 6, the Board of Selectmen will consider and vote on authorizing First Selectman Chris Spaulding to sign an agreement for the Town to purchase the Weston Field Club. The Board will also decide a special appropriation request for funds to begin the process.
"Both parties are at least open to the idea," Dr. Spaulding told Weston Today. "We heard clearly in the recent townwide survey that a strong majority of Weston citizens want more amenities and more opportunities to gather as a community. This would augment recreational programs we already offer."
The idea is in its early stages, and details about purchase price, terms, and how the club would operate under Town management remain to be developed. The Selectmen's decision Thursday evening will accelerate a process of due diligence and approvals, including, if it proceeds to the final step, a town vote.
The Selectmen will vote on a supplemental request for up to $75 thousand for services to conduct an environmental site analysis, property condition report, and appraisal of the Weston Field Club property. That request will go to the Board of Finance.
Assuming the project proceeds, the Town and Club will enter into formal negotiations. If those successfully conclude, the acquisition itself will come before the boards of Selectmen and Finance, and possibly others. Ultimately, decisions about major Town purchases are made by voters at a Special Town Meeting.