Town Center Workshop: Tightly Focused on Details

May 7, 2019 — A second planning workshop for Town Center was held on Saturday, May 4 at Weston Intermediate School. The session was a follow-up to an April 6 meeting where participants discussed general ideas for the area around the Town Hall campus and shopping center, roughly 72 acres.

In the intervening weeks, the consulting firm, Milone & MacBroom, which is helping the Planning and Zoning Commission develop a long-range plan for conservation and development, digested what they heard from the public, came back with ideas, and asked for more input at a high level of detail.

Using clickers, participants voted on everything from the desired size of buildings in a Town Center of the future to preferred restaurant types and styles of landscaping, crosswalks, lighting, benches, planters, and waste receptacles. Then there was an open exchange of general ideas and an opportunity to give input to the consultants about several options they presented.

Milone & MacBroom will come back to P&Z with more refined ideas in a few weeks, and development of the entire town plan has many months to go. But in the meantime, if you missed the workshop, you can still participate online.

The slides presented by Milone & MacBroom can be viewed here.

You can fully participate and vote on details in an online digital workshop. It will be open through May 19.