Budget Referendum, May 4

April 29, 2019 — Voters will decide budgets for the Town, schools, and capital improvements in a machine-ballot vote on Saturday, May 4.
Voting takes place in the Town Hall Meeting Room from 12:00 pm until 8:00 pm. You must be a qualified voter (see below) and bring identification. The referendum is an up-or-down vote on the bottom-line total of each budget.
Absentee ballots are available in the Town Clerk's office. Pick up one in person during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. You can do that until Friday, May 3.
Budgets increase this year, more modestly than originally proposed, largely due to higher wage and benefits costs for both the Town and school district. The proposed Town operating budget is $13,452,745. The proposed education operating budget is $53,073,710. Proposed capital improvements, combined for both the Town and schools, amount to $1,286,429. You will be asked to approve or disapprove each one.
Qualified Voters
According to the Registrars, you are a qualified voter if you are currently registered to vote or are a U.S. citizen on the Weston Grand List owning property of $1,000 or more. For identification, bring your driver’s license, credit card, utility bill, or something similar. See one of the Registrars at check-in if you need assistance.