The Board in Brief

Selectmen Meeting of April 25, 2019


The Board approved a request from Al’s Angels to run “Angel-ade” lemonade stands on town property on Saturday, June 8.

Al’s Angels provides meals and gifts to families with children suffering from cancer and rare blood disorders during all major holidays throughout the year. They partner with hospitals and other organizations throughout Fairfield County to make this happen. With the help of volunteers, Angel-ade has raised almost $100 thousand to assist families in difficult times.

You and your family and friends can volunteer online to help run a lemonade stand for as little as 30 minutes on June 8 (rain date June 9). Other tasks need a hand too. It’s fun, and a great way to teach kids about the importance of philanthropy and giving back to the community.

This year, stands will be at Morehouse Farm Park during soccer games, Bisceglie Scribner Park during softball, and at the Weston Public Library.

If you can’t volunteer, you can always donate. More information about Al’s Angels is on the organization’s website.

Other Matters

It was a short meeting. The Board also ratified a collective bargaining agreement with the Weston Town Dispatchers United Public Service Employees Union, approved minutes, and adjourned.