Discuss Ideas for Town Center

April 1, 2019 — A vision of the possible future of Town Center will be presented by consultants working on the long-range town plan on Saturday morning, April 6. Your ideas and thoughts are not only welcome, but the whole point of the meeting. It begins at 10:30 in the Intermediate School Cafetorium.

Town Center, in general terms, is the area from both sides of Norfield Road at the church down to both sides of Route 57 to School Road. It includes the Town Hall campus, shopping center, Onion Barn, bus depot, and the ball fields on School Road. It is a key area of focus in the townwide Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) being created by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

"We are required by state law to develop the POCD every ten years," said P&Z Chairman Ken Edgar. "We may as well do it right."

Mr. Edgar's commission is being assisted by a leading municipal consulting firm, Milone & MacBroom, whose members will present initial ideas for Town Center at Saturday's meeting. The process being used is called a charrette, a planning methodology where ongoing dialogue and an exchange of ideas between planners and stakeholders — especially the public — is vital.

"Things are happening in Weston," said Mr. Edgar. "Unlike other towns, in many respects Weston is a blank slate. This planning process is an opportunity for us to identify what we want, and see if we can get it. Weston doesn't need to change fundamentally. This is about making it more attractive and an even nicer place to live."

You can RSVP for the meeting at this link, or just show up. Whether you want the town to stay exactly as it is but develop new features and amenities, the meeting is an opportunity to present your ideas and hear those of others.