Weston Education Foundation Grant Applications Open

March 12, 2019 — The Weston Education Foundation (WEF) is calling for applications for their Community Education Grants Program.
The purpose of these grants is to provide funds (generally up to $1,500) to Weston-based organizations or individuals to develop educational programs that benefit their constituents and/or Weston residents. Preference is given to organizations that can demonstrate sustainable funding for their project after the completion of the WEF grant.
Since its inception, WEF has disbursed more than $850,000 in community, technology and teacher grants. Previous Community Education Grants have helped fund art and education classes at Lachat Town Farm, the Weston Historical Society oral history series, Weston Against Cancer and much more.
There are two grant cycles available for Community Education Grants: the first is from September 1-October 15; the second is from February 15-April 1. Community organizations must wait for 12 months to apply for another grant if they are a current grant recipient; additional grant requests are expected to cover new projects.
To learn more about the Weston Education Foundation’s Community Education Grants Program or to obtain an application, please contact the Grants Committee at grants@westoneducationfoundation.org, or visit the foundation’s website.