P&Z Approves, Next Steps

ALT's David Brant presents at P&Z. Photo: M.S. Wirtenberg
As state law requires, the Board of Selectmen referred the matter to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval and its endorsement. On January 15th, the Commission took up the matter in an 8-24 hearing (a reference to the applicable statute) and heard presentations by Dr. Spaulding and David Brant of Aspetuck Land Trust. The Commission voted to approve.
The actual price to be paid by Aspetuck Land Trust for the property is still to be determined. Even if the grant is approved, it will only cover up to 65 percent. The trust will have to come up with the rest.
If all other factors cooperate, the ultimate decision about selling the land will rest with Weston citizens. The Charter requires a majority vote at a Special Town Meeting to approve sales of town property.
— P&Z reporting by Margaret Wirtenberg.