Speak Up, February 9th

January 14, 2019 — The 28th annual “Speak Up” event by the League of Women Voters happens on Saturday morning, February 9th at the Weston Public Library Community Room. It runs from 10:30 to noon.
The popular community discussion is done in a Q&A format. You ask the Q’s, officials from Town Hall, School Road, and our state representatives give the A’s.
Last year’s topics ran the gamut: the impact of federal tax law changes, Connecticut’s fiscal condition, environmental concerns, tolls, challenges for the schools, Town initiatives, and more. What gets put on the table this year is up to you.
The Board of Selectmen will be present as will the chairs of the boards of Finance, Planning and Zoning, the Police Commission, Assessment Appeals, Sustainability, the Beautification committee, and more.
Board of Education chair Gina Albert and Superintendent Dr. William McKersie will be ready to discuss the latest developments at the schools.
Weston’s newly-minted legislative representatives, Senator Will Haskell and Representative Anne Hughes, will be joined by veteran Senator Tony Hwang to answer your questions about everything going on at the Capitol.
If you have questions and points of view about things that happen or are about to in Weston, or really only come for the free donut holes, coffee or tea, Speak Up is for you.