All Ears at Town Hall: Take the Survey

November 15, 2018 — The Town is conducting an online survey to find out what you want Weston to look like now and in the future. Your responses will help planners understand what you value and how much you would use a variety of services and amenities.

You can take the survey starting today at this link. It will be open until December 15.

It should only take about 20 minutes to complete the survey. Dedicated computers and assistance are available at the Weston Public Library and the Senior Center.

Your input will help guide both the Board of Selectmen and the Planning and Zoning Commission.

At the beginning of its term this year, the Selectmen made a priority of getting insight from residents. At the February 3 League of Women Voters “Speak Up” event, First Selectman Chris Spaulding said he was “eager to get this started.” The Selectmen formed a special committee to tap into local research talent and expertise.

The Planning and Zoning Commission has just begun a long-range planning process and has designed an approach that relies heavily on public participation. This plan, technically called the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), is required every ten years by state law.

P&Z chair Ken Edgar said the survey results “will influence everything P&Z does for the next several years,” and explained that P&Z regulations are meant to be consistent with the POCD.