Eversource Project Hearing, December 13

November 15, 2018 — Residents in about an eight-tenths mile stretch in the northwest corner of town will be affected by an Eversource upgrade project next year. The Board of Selectmen have scheduled a public hearing on December 13 to give the public an opportunity to ask questions of Eversource representatives.

The hearing will be held at 7:30 pm in the Weston Public Library Community Room.

The project is called the Redding to Wilton Upgrade. It involves structural work on towers and power lines. The existing wooden structures, built in 1959, have deteriorated and will be replaced with weathering steel. Some vegetation will also be removed.

All of the land directly involved is in right-of-way, so the Town has no formal role in the process. Eversource representatives presented an overview of the plan on November 1 to the Board of Selectmen. The Board suggested the public hearing and urged Eversource to also consult with Weston’s Conservation Commission.

A PDF document with details about the project is available on the Town’s website.