Kiwanis Dog Jamboree Update

August 29, 2018 — Faithful readers already know that Weston Kiwanis is hosting its first, hopefully annual, Dog Jamboree on Saturday, September 8 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. It's at the Weston Middle School Field. Here are more details.

The day will consist of fun competitions, demonstrations and seminars. Admission is $10 per person or $25 for a family of four. Proceeds go to the Weston Elementary School playground and the Weston Kiwanis Foundation. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and has contributed more than $850,000 since 2000 to charity organizations in Fairfield County and beyond.

Kiwanis has a full day of events planned. Starting at 10:30 am, dogs will be invited to participate in competitions for best tail wagger, best trick, most looks-like-owner, best dressed (in a parade!), best singer/barker, and best lap dog over 50 pounds. The fee to enter your dog in an event is $5 per event.

After the competitions, you are invited to observe demonstrations from the Westport Police K9 unit and Fidelco Guide Dogs. There will also be an animal rescue and adoption opportunity sponsored by Coldwell Banker. All of this starts at 11:00 am.

At 11:30, there will be a series of seminars from local pet experts. Weston's own Dr. Chuck Noonan will discuss "Ticks and Your Dog." Weston Animal Control Officer Mark Harper will discuss pet safety. Norwalk Community College School of Veterinary Technicians will offer a presentation on "Careers in Veterinary Care." Also, Jim Know, the Head Zoologist and Curator at the Beardsley Zoo, will give a presentation on wolves, coyotes and dogs.

The Jamboree will be fun for the whole family. Kids will enjoy face painting. Everyone will enjoy food trucks.

Sponsors of the Kiwanis Dog Jamboree include Coldwell Banker, Passage East Kennels, Blue Buffalo, and Bankwell. The Jamboree will be supported by volunteers from Kiwanis Clubs throughout Fairfield County. Kiwanis is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving the needs of children through community service and philanthropic activities. For more information and to learn how to join Kiwanis, visit their website. For more information about the Jamboree, please email

About Kiwanis

Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of clubs and members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Kiwanis and its family of clubs, including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students age 14–18, Builders Club for students age 11–14, Kiwanis Kids for students age 6–12, and Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities, dedicate more than 18 million service hours each year to strengthen communities and serve children. The Kiwanis International family comprises nearly 630,000 adult and youth members in 80 countries and geographic areas. For more information about Kiwanis International, please visit the website.