Town Approves Budgets

April 28, 2018 — By wide margins, voters today approved budgets for the town, schools, and capital expenditures. Turnout, while not up to the level of the recent Special Town Meeting, increased considerably from 2017 and prior years.

The operating budget for the town passed with 79 percent of the vote, 498 to 133. The capital expenditures budget also achieved 79 percent approval, passing by almost exactly the same number, 499 to 131. The education budget won by a slightly lesser margin, achieving 72 percent approval, 456 to 177.

First Selectman Chris Spaulding told Weston Today he is "thrilled by the outcome."

"This is the result of huge amount of time and effort put in by town staff to produce as lean a budget as possible to meet Weston's needs," said Dr. Spaulding. He expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the staff and for the hard work of the Registrars of Voters and elections volunteers.