No Quorum for ATBM

April 18, 2018 — At about 8:00 this evening, First Selectman Chris Spaulding called to order the Annual Town Budget Meeting and nominated Susan Moch as moderator. That motion passed unanimously and was, with the subsequent motion to adjourn, the only business conducted. After reading the meeting rules, Ms. Moch declared the absence of a quorum, as fewer than the charter-mandated 130 qualified voters were in attendance.
This means the town, education, capital improvements, and debt service budgets recommended by the Board of Finance were not modified. They will be presented intact for up-or-down votes in the Town Referendum. Those who attended the ATBM were able to cast their referendum ballots tonight.
The rest of us get to weigh in on Saturday, April 28. This is a machine-ballot vote. It will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Be sure to bring identification. Absentee ballots can be filed in person beginning Thursday, April 19 at the Town Clerk's office Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM until 4:30 PM. The deadline for filing an absentee ballot is Friday, April 27.