Sleepaway Camps: Go with a Friend or Go Alone?

As kids consider the prospect of a sleepaway experience, many hope to attend with a friend from home. Setting aside the fact that finding a friend with the same interests and coordinating summer schedules is difficult enough, is it a good idea to go with a friend or is it better to go alone?

Is an experience enhanced or hindered by having a friend in tow? What are the potential effects on the friendship itself from a shared sleepaway program? Does the decision to go or not go with a friend differ for camp vs. travel vs. an academic immersion program?

With a friend – the upside:

With a friend – the downside:

Go it alone – the upside:

Go it alone – the downside:

Whether your child attends a camp or program by him or herself or with a friend, it’s key to find the right match (hint: contact your Tips on Trips and Camps advisor!) to ensure the best chance for a positive experience.

If your child goes with a friend, have a conversation with the parents to make sure interests and expectations align, and then speak to program directors. Whether you go with a friend or go it alone, the most important thing is to GO!

Jen Cippoletti,
Director, Tips on Trips and Camps

A FREE advisory service connecting families to overnight camps, trips and academic experiences.