We are reaching out to Walter Simpson, his family and all residents of Weston regarding the highly unfortunate circumstances and events Walter experienced in late 2019.
We want to keep our message as clear and direct as possible.
We regret the pain our call to the Weston police caused you and your family, Walter. We are in no position to possibly fathom how this has effected you. All we can hope for is using this as opportunity for us as a family to learn and teach, and to become part of the solution, not the problem.
We fully support and will stand with you, your family and the residents of Weston to rectify what has happened. We firmly believe this is a time for action, not just words. And again, we are dedicated to bringing appropriate, meaningful and constructive action!
We recognize that many will continue to place judgement, and we accept and own that as a consequence of our actions. That said, we believe by uniting on this important issue, we can bring the change you, your family, Weston and the world desires and has a right to. When you deem the time appropriate we are ready and willing to join you to bring change and safeguard that this never happens again in OUR community.
Very sincerely,
Terrina and Tony Huck & Family
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