The Budget Meeting, Referendum, and Voting Absentee

This year's Annual Town Budget Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 24 at 2:00 pm at the high school football stadium.

At press time, the weather forecast is favorable. If that changes, rain dates are May 1 and May 8.

Our April 12 article gives more information about proposed budgets and the public approval process.

The ATBM essentially has two parts: a meeting and a referendum, where budget proposals are voted up or down by machine ballot.

Once the meeting adjourns, ballots can be cast right away at Town Hall by anyone who wants to vote at that time. For everyone else, voting resumes a week later at the Town Hall Meeting Room from noon to 8:00 pm.

You can also vote in the referendum by absentee ballot.

Applying for an absentee ballot

You can get an absentee ballot application on the Town Clerk’s page on the Town of Weston website.

You can also pick up an application at Town Hall, using the window of the Town Clerk’s office on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 noon.

Once your application is processed, you will receive a paper ballot.

Everyone eligible to vote can cast absentee ballots due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Absentee ballots are always an option for members of the armed forces in active service, those absent from town during all hours of voting, those with illness or physical disability, religious tenets, or those performing duties as a voting official at a polling place other than the Town of Weston.

Filing your absentee ballot

Submit your completed ballot to the Town Clerk by using the official ballot drop box (pictured above) in front of Town Hall at 56 Norfield Road. Or, you can mail it in, addressed to:

Town Clerk of Weston, CT
P.O. Box 1007
Weston CT 06883

It must be received by 8:00 pm on Saturday, May 1, unless the ATBM is weather delayed, in which case the deadline will either be May 8 or May 14.


For additional information, contact the Town Clerk’s office:

Town Clerk Donna Anastasia
Telephone: (203) 222-2616

Assistant Town Clerk Shawn Amato
Telephone: (203) 222-2617